Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Day Thirty Five

The best part of my day was re-reading this book in my lunch break.

Day Thirty Four

The best part of my day was boring Tuesday night chores turned fun adventures.

Day Thirty Three

The best part of my day was traipsing across the countryside with my new friends.

Day Thirty Two

The best part of my day was celebrating in the house.

Day Thirty One

The best part of my day was reading and relaxing here.

Day Thirty

The best part of my day was celebrating this beautiful girl I call my sister's 18th birthday.

Day Twenty Nine

The best part of my day was being served by this beauty.

Day Twenty Eight

The best part of my day was stopping here and leaving a surprise package. I love gift giving.

Day Twenty Seven

The best part of my day was definitely catching up with my long lost Rebecca.

Day Twenty Six

The best part of my day was Muffin Monday.

Day Twenty Five

The best part of my day was lunch with friends.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Day Twenty Four

The best part of my day was relaxing here after a day filled with so many favourites.

Monday, April 2, 2012